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Cancer and Radiotherapy        The above unit was inaugurated on 23rd of  July 1982.  The Theratron 780 Cobalt unit ( AECL, Canada) is a gift of the Protestant agency EZE  and the special  building to house the equipment was donated by CBM, both of Germany.
        The Medical Physics activities at Padhar Hospital started in 1982 when Mr. Christopher Hone, Physicist from Dublin, Ireland came on deputation, he brought most of the dosimetry equipment which includes Farmer dosimeter, 0.6cc and 0.2cc chamber, Sr-90 check source, water phantom, Portable doserate meter (GM type) PDR2 & PDR3 all from Nuclear Enterprises, UK. The other Physics instrumentation includes secondary standard dosimeter SD4710 from ECIL, Hyderabad, Isotope Calibrator RC 4714 from ECIL, Gamma Area zone monitor Type PAM - 155 from PEA, Mumbai.    The first Radiation Oncologist appointed in 1982 was Dr L. K. Badjatia and Radiation Physicist Mr. Anand Vijay Kumar in 1983 and Technologist Mr. Anbalagan in 1982, later Dr W. M. Craig Martin of Belfast; Ireland worked for a brief period. Ms Ruth Petit from Hammersmith hospital, London worked as Radiotherapy technologist for a year. Physicist, Radiotherapy Technologists- Mr. Shri Ram, Mr. Ajay Alpheus, Ms Mrinalini Elizabeth Nathanial and two students undergoing Two year CMAI diploma in Radiotherapy technology.  The department is  backed by a well equipped modern surgical department.So far over 10,000 cancer patients have been seen and over 8500 cancer patients treated with external cobalt therapy. The Head & Neck cases consist of over 49% of the total cases and  these include Pyriform fossa, tongue, Buccal mucosa, Tonsil, Pharynx, Larynx, Secondary neck node etc. Till 1999 total of 4185 Face & Neck patients have been treated, next is Cancer cervix which amounts to 19% of the total cases treated. Till 1999 total of over 1600 cancer cervix patients have been treated by external therapy and over 1000 by Brachytherapy using Cs-137 Manual after loading system, Oesophagus amounts to 863 patients uptill 1999 and Breast cases total of 467 (5.4%), Bone cases- 180 and otter's include lung, rectum brain etc. which is 1242 upto 1999. At present we have 40-50 patients on daily radiotherapy treatment.
        Most of our patients come from rural villages & towns of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra as in a radius of 200 km there is no cancer therapy facility.    In 1992 interstitial implants was started by Dr. Anant Kekre and Dr S. R. Shastri. The Interstitial Iridium 192  manual implant cutter, transport trolley and storage container were brought from Rajkot cancer society, Rajkot.    Cancer Cervix in rural women continues to be a major killer. It affects women in their reproductive age when they are most needed in the family to rear up children and look after the family. the factors that contribute include poverty, illiteracy, lack of health care understanding, number of parity, number of children with inappropriate gap between them, early marriage, early sex life, bad personal hygiene and other socio-economic factors. With the availability of Colposcope in Gynae OPD and PAP smear facility and a  number of cancer detection camps in the surrounding area, the uptake of patients has gone up.    Brachytherapy started in February 1987, inaugurated by Film star and Former Member of Parliament Shri Sunil Dutt with generous financial assistance in the form of Cs-137 source trains from Amersham U.K. Bed shield from BLM Girdler, London, Source Transport trolley from Royal Free hospital, London, Mini- monitor for contamination control, UK, Quartz fibre pocket dosimeter from R.A. Stephen & Co. Ltd, UK  from Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation Michigan Chapter (From fellow Indians in Michigan to fellow Indians in Padhar). Dr. Margaret Snelling well known Radiation Oncologist from Royal Marsden Hospital in London introduced the Amersham Cs-137 Manual after loading system, which has major advantages.    In 1997 the department acquired a Computerized treatment planning system of TSG Integrations, New Delhi which improved remarkably the calculation procedures of wedge, irregular, three fields and brachytherapy, calculations and improved the treatment accuracy. The software supports two-dimensional treatment planning for external beam radiotherapy with facility for dose calculation in multiple fields, volume planning for brachytherapy, combined external beam and brachytherapy dose distribution.
        Looking to the felt need of cancer patients, Palliative care which is the most effective and holistic solution to reduce suffering and improve quality of life, was started in January 2000, with a multiprofessional team consisting of a doctor, nurse, technician, Physicist and counsellor. This Palliative care team will strive to provide control of pain and other symptoms, psycho social support, counselling and spiritual support, care and support for the family, empowering family to provide care at home, teaching and training attendants to take care of tracheotomy tubes, colostomy bags etc., and bereavement support as needed. We seek your prayers and financial resources.
        Cancer detection camps are conducted every year on a routine basis in different parts of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra from where cancer patients who are detected are given free railway concession pass to come to Padhar for further management and treatment.    Chemotherapy schedules for cancer patients are extensively used for cases like NHL, ALL, Head and Neck cases, Breast and other neoplasms and all the facilities for treatment by Medical, Surgical and Radiation Oncology are available at Padhar Hospital, including Hospice care where terminally ill patients could be admitted in low cost care ward free of charge and pay for their medications. We wish to raise volunteer support groups both in India and abroad who would give their time, resources and service voluntarily to the suffering cancer patients.
We are grateful to all those who contributed to the establishment of this unit and look forward to participation and contribution of  all those interested in helping the weak and marginalized people of this area.Padhar Hospital is a Christian  Institution  committed to bring  physical, social, emotional and spiritual healing in the nameChrist to all regardless of caste or creed.

Facilities Available

For Further Inquiries: Medical Superintendent, PO - Padhar, District - Betul, Madhya Pradesh (460005), India.
Tel - (91) 7141 263227,263228, 263230, 263346. Fax - (91) 7141 263346.